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Adresse | SAXONIA Edelmetalle GmbH Erzstrasse 5 09633 Halsbrücke |
Pays | Allemagne |
Get in contact with SAXONIA Edelmetalle GmbH |
Produits ou Machines
Bushings made by SAXONIA produce E glass fibers and C glass fibers in single-stage and two-stage processes world-wide. Use of materials: PtRh20, PtRH10, DVS-PtRh10.
Number of nozzles: 800-4000
Nozzle geometry: tapered or cylindrical
Bottom plate production: pressed or TIG welded
Equipment for glass melting
Production is carried out to customer specification for tableware, automobile glass, optical glass, LCD-glass.
Laboratory equipment
Moulds and crucibles in various designs and volumes made from Pt99.9, PtRh10, PtAu5 and DVS –PtRh10
SAXONIA targets are used as consumables for sputtering in magnetrons.
Use of materials: Ag 99.99, Pd 99.99, Au 99.99 and alloys
Dimensions: thickness to 2 inch