Adresse | GlassFibreEurope Rue Belliard 199, B-1040 Brussels |
Pays | Belgique |
Téléphone | 0032 2 538 44 46 |
Télécopie | 0032 2 537 84 69 |
Get in contact with GlassFibreEurope | |
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Correspondant 1. | Technical Support Phone: 0032 2 538 44 46 Fax: 0032 2 537 84 69 |
Produits ou Machines
GlassFibreEurope includes producers of reinforcement fibres and glass yarn only. Producers of glass wool being affiliated to EURIMA, the European Insulation Manufacturers Association.
GlassFibreEurope acquired member companies due to the accession of the European Community of Eastern European countries. Today GlassFibreEurope membership is no longer restricted to companies operating in Western Europe, but to the entire EU-27 plus Turkey.
Histoire de l´entreprise
GlassFibreEurope, with the APFE acronym for Association des Producteurs de Fibres de Verre Européens, was founded in 1987 under Belgian law and as non-profit international trade association based in Brussels. It succeeded to a "group" that was part of CIRFS, the Comité International de la Rayonne et des Fibres Synthétiques in Paris, which was created earlier as the interest group of producers and processors of man-made fibres, as opposed to processors of natural fibres.
GlassFibreEurope decided to set up an independent branch organisation with a close link or membership with CPIV, Comité Permanent des Industries du Verre Européennes, as CIRFS representativeness progressively focused on textiles and textile industry sectors in Western Europe.