Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


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Adresse Minerali Industriali S.r.l.
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 4
28100 Novara
Pays Italie
E-mail Get in contact with Minerali Industriali S.r.l.

Produits ou Machines

Minerali Industriali is able to supply raw materials for different kinds of productions for the glass, ceramic, sanitary industries, for the sports and leisure sectors, agglomerated stones, paintings, foundry and sodium silicate. Detailed technical informations are available in the section “raw materials” of the website www.mineraliindustriali.it .

• For the ceramic industry Minerali Industriali produces: aplite, rhyolite and pegmatite in grains for white single firing and enamelled gres; feldspars in grains for gres porcellanato and enamelled gres; feldspars, milled quartz and wollastonite for frit and enamels, sanitary, tableware, technical, artistic and advanced ceramic.

• For the glass industry Minerali Industriali produces: silica sands and feldspathic sands for white glass for containers and households, perfumery and pharmaceuticals; silica sands and feldspathic sands for normal float glass and extra white; silica sands and feldspathic sands for glass products; vitrite for glass manufactures; sodic and potassic feldspars with very low grade of iron for all type of glass.

• In addition to the ceramic sector, milled products are also produced for the vernish and paint, refractory and engineering stone; sands and quartz grains are used for wall covering, filters for the purification of water, refractory materials, and industrial flooring and abrasive.

• At last, the production and/or trading of micronized mineral fillers, as wollastonite, kaolin chamotte, quartz, feldspar, allows Minerali Industriali to satisfy the needs of the manufacturers industry of water paint (with quartz, washable for internal and external, transpiring), naval paints, powder paints, rubbers (NBR, SBR), silicone, plastics (PVC for ropes, nylon, polypropylene etc.), special products for abrasives, refractory materials, ceramics and metallurgical silicon sector.

Further Business Fields:

Glass waste recovery

Minerali Industriali recycled glass treatment combines traditional ore dressing processes with the most recent sorting technologies. In this way, Minerali Industriali ensure the total recovery of the glass waste: an eco-friendly solution with an high quality cullet production.

The aim of the glass waste treatment is to remove external materials, first of all ceramic (because of the stones problems in the glass factories), metals, plastic and organic residual (with their high carbon rate).

Glass waste treatment is composed by three subsequent stages:

  1. preparation stage: remove metals and the material part under 10 mm. This fraction's ceramic content is in fact hard to remove by the sorting machines;
  2. optical sorting stage: remove ceramic by optical recognizing. The outcome of this selection is already an high quality cullet. It’s also possible to reduce the Pb rate with UV sorting machines;
  3. washing and milling stage: so far rejected material represents the 25% of the income waste, with 70% glass content, 30% of ceramic and an high carbon rate. Minerali Industriali is able to successfully recover this part by washing treatment (reduction of carbon rate) and a fine milling (<1 mm), allowing the ceramic melting in the glass factories without stones problems (Glassy Sand).

Turnkey solutions for ore and industrial waste dressing

From the mine to the final product: 100 years of experience in the mining processing sector make Minerali Industriali the ideal partner for the treatment of non-metallic ores, especially for the wet and dry treatments of silica and hard material like quartz and feldspar.

Minerali Industriali offers a complete engineering service: our designers team grants the best plant solutions for any kind of
ore’s treatment: washing, grinding, drying, sorting, flotation, leaching, magneticseparation, etc… .