Glass Industry News

Strategic Partnership Deal Sealed for Global Glass Show in Abu Dhabi Happening In September 2023

, Global Glass Show

Strategic Partnership Deal Sealed for Global Glass Show in Abu Dhabi Happening In September 2023

“Global Float Glass Market is anticipated to become 404.75 Billion by 2032. The Global Glass Show 2023 is excited to announce its highest level of Partnership, reserved by Emirates Float Glass (EFG) - a Company, leading in this sector.” 

The Global Glass Show 2023, set to take place in the thriving hub of the Middle East's glass industry, is thrilled to announce the Exclusive Partnership with Emirates Float Glass (EFG) - A Dubai Investment Subsidiaryas as the Strategic Partner, biggest collaboration for this event.

The company has long been at the forefront of glass industry advancements and is a proud partner at the show. Their dedication to cutting-edge technologies, sustainable practices, and knowledge exchange complements the event's objective of showcasing the latest innovations and fostering effective business ties. 


About EFG

Emirates Float Glass (EFG) LLC is a world class, multi-award winning float glass facility based in Abu Dhabi UAE. Established in 2009 by Dubai Investments PJSC, the state-of-the-art facility has become a dominant player in the region for float glass in architectural and automotive applications, producing 600 tons of glass a day.

International Glass Processors have consistently trusted EFG to deliver to the highest standards of quality, delivery and service, whilst the company has won multiple Environmental, Safety and Business awards. Supplying a range of products to all international standards and to more than 65 countries spanning South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa, "world class" has been in our DNA since inception. Website:

GGS 2023 will feature an extensive exhibition showcasing the latest glass products, machinery, and services across the entire glass value chain. The best solutions and technologies in the glass sector will be on display during the two-day exhibition and the  high-profile conference will have key dignitaries speaking on the industry’s untapped prospects. 

Other organization, who have confirmed their participation are Sunrise Glass Industries, Tariq Glass Industries, Waltec, Fosbel, Akcoat, Ebonite Decor LLC, UAE Contractors Association, Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Emirates Planning Association (EPA), American Chamber, British Chamber of Commerce, The Indian Business and Professional Group (IBPG), The Canadian Business Council, Philippines Business Council, Pakistan Business Professional Council and many more.


About GGS 2023 Abu Dhabi

Global Glass Show (GGS 2023) is an event focusing on the latest advancements, innovations and technologies in glass manufacturing and processing. It will serve as the unified platform that will bring together the glass industry’s top players, manufacturers, suppliers, designers and complete ecosystem to showcase their products and services to a global audience ultimately serving the overall developments in the region of Middle East.

A parallel high-level conference will act as a catalyst in solving the most pressing challenges of the industry, discuss sustainable development, explore the most ground-breaking themes and deliver knowledge and information to help build a better business. 


To book your sponsorship package, contact ZARREEN AKHTAR

Project Manager- GLOBAL GLASS SHOW, 2023

Cell / WhatsApp +91 9639085912

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We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

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