Glass Industry News

Stevanato Group Releases Sustainability Report 2021, Highlighting the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Performance of the Group

, Stevanato Group

Stevanato Group S.p.A. (NYSE: STVN) a leading global provider of drug containment, drug delivery, and diagnostic solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and life sciences industries, announces the publication of its Sustainability Report 2021. The report showcases the Group’s holistic approach to sustainable development and highlighted strong guidance aimed at pursuing goals pertaining to economic sustainability, its responsibility to innovation and new products, employees, and the environment.

This is the first year that Stevanato Group publishes a report on its approach to sustainability, comparing its performance to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. The Company is striving to provide comprehensive and transparent information to demonstrate its unwavering commitment to sustainability.

The report covers Stevanato Group’s rapid response to the COVID-19 outbreak, as the Company increased production capacity to support its customers’ efforts to combat the global crisis. As part of this effort, Stevanato Group provided glass vials and syringes to approximately 90% of existing vaccine programs, according to estimates based on public information (WHO, EMA, FDA); as well as plastic diagnostic consumables for the detection and diagnosis of COVID-19.

“As we approach one year since the Company’s IPO on the New York Stock Exchange, we are united in our commitment to supporting our customers on the single-minded goal of enhancing the integrity of medicines to help people live a better life,” said Franco Moro, Chief Executive Officer of Stevanato Group. “To do this, we have collaborated with our partners and the scientific community, and invested in R&D, to make greater strides toward better economic, environmental, and social sustainability – for our Company, customers, and the communities we live in.” 

In 2021, Stevanato Group focused on areas that were of high materiality for the Company as well as key stakeholders. In line with its business strategy, primary attention was given to two main areas: product quality and responsibility, and research & development and innovation. Other focus areas were closely associated with human resources, such as occupational health & safety and human capital management and development, highlighting the importance of Stevanato Group’s policies toward people. The report also illustrates the positive results and different actions taken to improve sustainability towards the environment, reducing water consumption and waste in Stevanato Group’s productions.

“We are taking on the mantle of our Company’s founders and carrying on its rich legacy of over seventy years, but this is just the beginning,” said Franco Moro. “We will continue to set the bar higher and lead the industry in innovation and excellence.

, © Stevanato Group

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