Glass Industry News

HORN to construct third glass manufacturing facility for Ambev


Ambev is part of Anheuser-Busch Inbev, known as AB Inbev, which was born from the union between Ambev's pioneering spirit, Interbrew's Belgian quality and Anheuser-Busch's tradition. The portfolio of Ambev comprises more than 30 brands of drinks produced and bottled carefully with a presence in 19 countries.  

Ambev has contracted HORN to supply the third furnace to Ambev. HORN will build the new container glass plant in Carambeí, Paraná state in Brazil. The new container glass furnace will be the most technological and environmentally friendly glass melting furnace in the region. This furnace order is of great importance to HORN in order to secure its prime position in South America as a furnace supplier. 

The 400 tpd regenerative furnace with 3 forehearths will produce container bottles in colours flint, amber and green. This furnace is particularly designed to produce the maximum pull in all three colours for both, 6% electrical share and even up to 20% electrical share by HORN e-fusion power boosting. 

HORN was appointed as a turn-key supplier for all refractory material, steel construction, e-fusion power boosting, auxiliary equipment, supervision, manpower and tools for installation and finally commissioning. The contract even includes a theoretical and practical training as well as production support for 60 days after commissioning. 

Furthermore, the latest forehearth design of the HORN GCS® 301-advanced system will be applied to produce the bottles. 

, © HORN

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