Glass Industry News

Glass Focus Awards 2022 winners revealed

, British Glass

The winners of the Glass Focus Awards 2022 were unveiled last night (17 November) at a black-tie dinner hosted at the Sefton Park Palm House in Liverpool.

Companies from across the glass supply chain gathered to celebrate the International Year of Glass and the milestones of the previous 12 months at the event which saw Pilkington NSG crowned Company of the Year for the first time. 

The flat glass manufacturers also won the Health and safety action award while Saint-Gobain Glass UK and Ardagh Glass Packaging were both double winners on the night. The former took home the Design of the year – flat glass and Strengthening business through people awards with the latter awarded the Sustainable practice and Marketing impact categories.  

Other winners included Beatson Clark’s Dana Godfrey winning the Rising Star award, Encirc securing the Innovative solution prize and Stoelzle Flacconage’s One Gin coming out on top in the Design of the year – container award. 

British Glass CEO Dave Dalton said: 

“It has been another testing year for the glass sector and while may of the problems we have faced still persist, it is a great pleasure to gather everybody together at the Glass Focus Awards again to celebrate all the achievements our great industry has accomplished. 

“As always, the level of entries for each of the categories has been spectacular and wide ranging. From showcasing our talent for innovation and our status as pioneers on the journey towards net zero to the beautiful designs we see every day on our bottles and buildings and the unrivalled talent that makes up our workforce, it is a reminder of why the glass industry stands in a class of its own. 

“We are all extremely proud of the work we have done over the last year and we look forward to continuing to build on our successes in 2023 and beyond.” 

The full list of winners from the Glass Focus Awards 2022 are: 

Design of the year – container (sponsored by Packaging Innovations): One Gin by Stoelzle Flaconnage Ltd 

Design of the year – flat (sponsored by Glass International): The Spark by Saint-Gobain Glass UK

Innovative solution (sponsored by Glass Technology Services): Cooling system improvements by Encirc

Health and safety action (sponsored by Grayling): Vehicle and pedestrian GAP analysis tool by Pilkington NSG

Strengthening business through people (sponsored by Glass Worldwide): Complex cold repair by Saint-Gobain Glass UK

Rising Star (sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers): Dana Godfrey at Beatson Clark

Marketing Impact (sponsored by awesome.): The Glass making process by Ardagh Glass Packaging

Sustainable Practice (sponsored by Glass Futures): Water saving initiative by Ardagh Glass Packaging

British Glass Company of the Year: Pilkington NSG

, © British Glass

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