Glass Industry News

Ardagh Glass Packaging implements IS Machine fire safety detection and prevention system

, Ardagh Glass Packaging

Ardagh Glass Packaging-Europe (AGP-Europe), an operating business of Ardagh Group, in collaboration with Fire Camera Ltd, has successfully developed and implemented an automated fire detection system at its Knottingley facility, to revolutionise fire safety in the glass industry.

The IS Protect Plus System uses multiple cameras to detect fire and other incidents by monitoring all areas of the IS machine: the mould side, blank side, shears, feeder and conveyor. Depending on what the system detects, it can perform a sequence of automated actions to prevent escalation.

Robert Fisher, Plant Director, AGP-Knottingley, explained: “This system is the first system of its kind to use both thermal image and HD camera vision to detect a precise trigger and act accordingly. It can automatically divert the glass to the basement, activate IS machine safe mode and automatically initiate the fire suppression system depending on the severity level of the trigger.

“This is the biggest advance in Health & Safety risk reduction I have witnessed in my 20 years working in the industry. I have no doubt that it will contribute greatly to keeping people safe and protecting our assets for years to come.”

In addition to fire detection, the system’s 24/7 camera monitoring can also detect and address incidents such as late loading, jam-ups, and stray glass, parisons or bottles, which reduces downtime, waste and incident recurrence.

Dean Butler, Business Development Manager at AGP-Europe, who spearheaded the project, added:  "This is a major step forward for industry safety. By combining industry knowledge with specialist vision inspection and software expertise, we have delivered a game-changing solution.”

The IS Protect Plus system sets a new standard for fire safety and prevention in glass manufacturing. It was recently awarded overall 2024 winner of the AGP ‘Best EHS Improvement’ award at the company’s Group Risk EHS conference, voted for by senior leaders and EHS peers from over 100 entries globally.

(An IS machine with three of the nine cameras that form part of the IS Protect Plus System.)

Following successful trials at AGP-Knottingley, the system is being rolled out across other AGP-UK sites.

For more information about Ardagh Glass Packaging, click here.

, © Ardagh Glass Packaging

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