Glass Industry News


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During a recent online plenary session, the ASEAN Federation of Glass Manufacturers (AFGM) announced that Harris Hendraka of the Indonesian Glass Manufacturers Association (IGMA) has been elected as Chairman for the next two years, succeeding Trans Quoc Thai from the Vietnam Glass Association (Vieglass). Glass Worldwide, exclusive official AFGM journal, reports on the handover. The full version of this article appears in the Jan/Feb 2022 issue that has been mailed globally and is also now available free of charge in the digital archive*.

The AFGM’s new Chairman Harris Hendraka is COO of Kemasindo Ampuh (trading with the brand name Kaema Glass), a key player in the Indonesian glass tableware business and was also the Organising Committee Chairman of the 37th ASEAN Glass Conference in Bali in 2013 and the 42nd ASEAN Glass Conference in 2018 in Yogyakarta.

Sanjaya Susanto, Manager of the Safety Glass Division at Muliaglass, was announced as the successor to Nguyen Huy Thang as AFGM Secretary General. Muliaglass is a leading Indonesian glass manufacturer serving the float glass, glass block, glass container and automotive safety glass sectors.

Outgoing AFGM Chairman Trans Quoc Thai expressed his gratitude to the AFGM committee for its support during his term, and his honour on behalf of Vieglass in handing over the AFGM Chairmanship to IGMA. The AFGM committee in turn thanked Mr Thai and Mr Thang for their continuous efforts since 2018 and Mr Hendraka also acknowledged Henry Susanto, IGMA Chairman, for giving him the opportunity to become AFGM Chairman.

IGMA is a member of the AFGM, now in its 45th year as a regional industry association composed of glass manufacturers in South East Asia. Fellow member associations include the Glass Manufacturers Association of Malaysia (GMAM), Glass Manufacturers’ Association of the Philippines (GMAPI), Glass Manufacturers Industry Club, The Federation of Thai Industries (GMFTI) and Vieglass.

Future plans

Originally scheduled for 2020 in Thailand with the GMFTI as hosts, the 44th ASEAN Glass Conference was postponed due to the global Covid-19 pandemic and the AFGM conveyed to Glass Worldwide that all possibilities of hosting the conference in 2022 are being evaluated. Plans will be clarified in spring 2022 with dates and further information to be announced in a future issue of Glass Worldwide. The ASEAN Glass Conference was last staged in Thailand in 2016 in Hua Hin and the most recent conference took place in 2019 in Cebu, the Philippines.

Harris Hendraka commented: “The AFGM is blessed to have a lot of supporters, one of the most important being Glass Worldwide as the official journal of the AFGM. It provides the AFGM with a platform to inform everyone in the glass industry about every year’s event from the preparation phase until the post event, as well as the papers presented during the event. I am sure I speak for everyone in the AFGM that we are very grateful to have this partnership with Glass Worldwide throughout the years.”

In the AFGM online library of articles on Glass Worldwide’s website, over 60 articles previously published in the magazine are available for free download, including market reports covering Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam as well as exclusive interviews with leading players in the region such as Asahimas Flat Glass, Asia Brewery, Bangkok Glass, BJC, PT Culletprima Setia, The First National Glassware, Guardian, Kemasindo Ampuh, L Lighting Glass, Muliaglass, Myanmar Golden Eagle, O-I, PT Culletprima Setia, San Miguel, Siam Fiberglass, Siam Glass Industry, Thai Glass Industries and Thai Malaya Glass.

, © glass worldwide

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