Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025


Liste d´entreprises
Producteurs verre > Verre technique > Recyclingglass > Foam Glass

Husum, Allemagne

Veriso GmbH & Co. KG, Schaumglas Husum GmbH

Die Schaumglas Husum GmbH ist der Hauptproduzent für Schaumglasschotter der Veriso GmbH. Von hier aus werden alle Depots in Deutschland sowie alle Großabnehmer beliefert. Mit einer Jahresproduktion von 70.000 m³ Schaumglasschotter ist das Werk...


Burlington, Etats Unis

Gravel Inc.

Foam Glass Gravel Thermally insulating, load-bearing bulk aggregate made entirely from recycled glass. Foam Glass Gravel offers the physical properties of glass in a lightweight and load-bearing aggregate. With Thermal insulation of R1.7 per...


Klášterec nad Ohří, République Czeque

Pittsburgh Corning CR, s.r.o., Owens Corning

Owens Corning FOAMGLAS(R) In 2017, Owens Corning acquired Pittsburgh Corning whom manufacture a wide range of FOAMGLAS(R) cellular glass insulation products. With applications in both the construction and industrial sectors, FOAMGLAS(R)...


Forssa, Finlande

Uusioaines Oy, office

Waste glass treatment with modern technology, sales of cullet, both container glass cullet and float glass cullet, collecting of waste glass in all Finland - clear, brown and mixed container glass cullet - clear and mixed float glass cullet - glass...


Eddystone, PA, Etats Unis

AeroAggregates LLC

Ultra-lightweight aggregate provides solutions for the challenges of today´s infrastructure and commercial construction projects. Foamed glass aggregate is ideal for projects that require fill to be placed over soft compressible soils or over areas...


Druskininkai municipality, Lithuanie


FOAM GLASS - is the innovative, ecologically valuable material made from pure glass. Porous, non-organic aggregate is processed when recycled glass is milled, mixed with blowing agents and melted down in extremely high temperature. Foam glass...


Schlüsselfeld, Allemagne

Dennert Poraver GmbH

Poraver(R) expanded glass, glass microspheres, porous glass spheres, lightweight aggregates, lightweight fillers, manufactured from post-consumer recycled glass. Our mineral lightweight aggregate with bulk densities starting from 190 kg/m³ is...


Jiaxing, Zhejiang, République du Peuple Chine

Zhejiang Zhenshen Cold Insulation Technology Co.,Ltd., Jiaxing Zhenhua Insulation Installation Co., Ltd.

As a professional cold insulation company, also the leading company in domestic cold insulation industry, ZES always steps on independent innovation, focuses on on R&D, and persists in quality...


London, Grande Bretagne

Pittsburgh Corning (UK) LImited

As a professional cold insulation company, also the leading company in domestic cold insulation industry, ZES always steps on independent innovation, focuses on on R&D, and persists in quality...


Mitterteich, Allemagne

GLAPOR Werk Mitterteich GmbH

Cellular glass boards GLAPOR Cellular glass boards PG 700 / 900 GLAPOR is an insulation material suitable for a wide range of applications. It is manufactured from 100 % recycled glass and foamed by heating with organic activators in a continuous...


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