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Nom du produit

IS-machine, variable parts for 4 1/4" DG and SG for glass forming machine , is machine , Mold Holder

Date 27.08.2024
Type of trade for Sale
Rubrique Machines & Outils, Production
Producteur Emhart, Bottero, GPS IS machine
Type / No. de série DG and SG variables (double and single gob)
Lieu Germany
Courte description We have many used variable parts for 4 1/4" IS machine. There are many parts for SG and DG delivery system for overhead Scoop machine, Mold Holders, Plunger Positioners, Baffle, Funnel, Blowhead, Neckring, and Take Out arms. Further we can supply Plunger Mechanism 62-10 and 62-125. Please let us know what you are looking for.


We have many used variable parts for 4 1/4" IS-machine. There are many parts for SG and DG delivery system like Scoop, Trough and Deflectors for Gob Distributor machines and also for overhead Scoop machines. Mold Holders, BB, PB, NNPB and Plunger Positioners, Baffle-, Funnel-, Blowhead-, Neckring-, and Take Out Tong-arms are available. Further we can supply Plunger Mechanism 62-10 and 62-125. Please let us know what you are looking for.

Dossiers & Images

Image Description Type Size  
P1060622-k.jpg JPG 92.326 byte open
P1100017-k.jpg JPG 100.194 byte open
P1100020-k.jpg JPG 98.600 byte open
P1020800-k.jpg JPG 112.839 byte open
P1060357-k.jpg JPG 103.105 byte open

Prix & Livraison

Conditions, Transport EXW or according your needs


Société Siegler Hohlglasservice
Adresse Wiesenfurt 45a
97833 Frammersbach
0049 9355 7163
0049 9355 7597
Correspondant M. Alfred Siegler
  Portrait de la société