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Nom du produit

Emhart IS-8 section TG 85 mm and DG 5" , IS machine , glass forming machine

Date 28.08.2024
Type of trade for Sale
Rubrique Machines & Outils, Production
Producteur Emhart IS-machine
Type / No. de série IS-8 sec.TG 85 mm or DG 5" (tripple or double gob)
Quantité 1
Lieu Germany
Courte description EMHART IS-8 section TG 85 mm (Tripple gob) and DG 5" for sale. Machine was since last rebuild only 3 years in operation. Emhart 535 Servo Gob Distributor with DSS gob delivery system. FPS system for Plunger up and Counterblow. 26-line electropneumatic Valveblock. Blowside Vertiflow. Pantograph Baffle mechanism. Emhart T-600 V-LAN Timing system and Flex-IS Motor drive system. As option are also different Timing- and Motor drive systems from Emhart, Furtronic and Bottero are available.


EMHART IS-8 section TG 85 mm (Tripple gob) and DG 5" for sale. Machine was since last rebuild only 3 years in operation. Emhart 535 Servo Gob Distributor with DSS gob delivery system. FPS system for Plunger up and Counterblow. 26-line electropneumatic Valveblock. Blowside Vertiflow. Pantograph Baffle mechanism. Emhart T-600 V-LAN electronic Timing system and Flex-IS Motor drive system. As option are also different electronic Timing- and Motor drive systems from Emhart, Furtronic and Bottero are available.

Dossiers & Images

Image Description Type Size  
2020327122348-0946.jpg JPG 161.189 byte open
2020327122400-0158.jpg JPG 122.345 byte open
2020327122405-0393.jpg JPG 147.177 byte open
2020327122415-0772.jpg JPG 89.661 byte open
2020327122423-0684.jpg JPG 166.400 byte open
2020327122429-0299.jpg JPG 69.433 byte open
2020327122452-0571.jpg JPG 138.286 byte open

Prix & Livraison

Conditions, Transport EXW or according your needs


Société Siegler Hohlglasservice
Adresse Wiesenfurt 45a
97833 Frammersbach
0049 9355 7163
0049 9355 7597
Correspondant M. Alfred Siegler
  Portrait de la société