Nouvelles de sociétés




VisiQuick™is a totally flexible machine, suitable for accurate dimensional and geometric inspection, on sample basis, of a large variety of glass containers having different size, shape and...

Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH


EIRICH seminar events “Practical Know-How – Mixing, Granulating, Kneading and Dispersing” planned to restart in June 2021

In many industries, the procedural steps of mixing, granulating, kneading, and dispersing represent the quality-defining stage in...


Quick and easy graphical analysis of mixer and process data – with ProView from EIRICH

ProView process data visualization is a universal tool that is not tied to any specific platform, enabling efficient analysis of operating data. It can be used on a PC in the office or on a tablet or smartphone while on the...


Mischer- und Prozessdaten schnell und einfach graphisch analysieren – mit ProView von EIRICH

Die Prozessdatenvisualisierung ProView ist ein universelles und plattformunabhängiges Tool, welches das effiziente Analysieren von Betriebsdaten ermöglicht. Die Nutzung kann im Büro am PC oder unterwegs auf dem Tablet oder Smartphone...



Do you want to save up to 70% energy for your tempering furnace?

Mazzaroppi Engineering has been in the glass tempering business since 1958. All its machinery is made from a selection of the best certified European...

MEG Middle East Glass Manufacturing


Egyptian MEG reports about their last furnace renovation

Egyptian MEG reports about their last furnace renovation in Q4/2021 that resulted in a production increase to 280 tons per day container...

Merck Window Technologies BV


eyrise Sonnenschutzgläser von Merck belegen ersten Platz bei Materialpreis 2020

Bei dem renommierten, von der Stuttgarter Materialagentur raumprobe ausgelobten Materialpreis 2020 – der Auszeichnung für besondere Materialien – kam Merck mit seinen dynamisch schaltbaren eyrise® Sonnenschutzgläsern auf Platz 1 in der Kategorie...


FC-CAMPUS: Weltweit erstes Bürogebäude mit dynamisch schaltbaren eyrise® Flüssigkristall-Sonnenschutzgläsern

Als weltweit erstes Bürogebäude ist die neue Firmenzentrale der FC-Gruppe mit dem auf Knopfdruck schaltbaren eyrise® s350 Sonnenschutzglas von Merck...

Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd.


20 weeks to go!

The landmark event for the glass industry in Southeast Asia, Glasstech Asia, will bring together international experts specialising in all sectors of...

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH


Neue Entwicklungen beim Vogelschutzglas

Neben besonders energieeffizienten, intelligenten und CO2-sparenden Produkten ist auch das Thema Vogelschutz ein wichtiger Bestandteil des nachhaltigen...


New developments in bird-friendly glass

Alongside especially energy-efficient, smart and CO2-saving products bird protection is a key component of sustainable...


glasstec 2024 – special show Craft LIVE projects the vision of tomorrow’s glazier trade

From 22 to 25 October 2024 glasstec, the world-leading trade fair of the glass industry, invites glaziers and craftspeople to...


glasstec 2024 – die Sonderschau Handwerk Live zeigt die Vision des glasverarbeitenden Handwerks von Morgen

Vom 22. bis zum 25. Oktober 2024 lädt die glasstec, die Weltleitmesse der Glasindustrie, Glaser und Handwerker nach Düsseldorf...


Young glazier trade – successful talent scouting

Modern glazing fascinates us in architecture and interior design, is part of the solution to climate change, protects buildings against overheating, saves heating energy and its smart products even adapt to weather...


Deep Learning – AI in the machine technology of the flat glass industry

As digitalisation and automation progress, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an important step for the flat glass industry to optimise processes, reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions and increase international...


Call for Papers glasstec conference 2024

The Hot Topics, the most current issues of our time, feature in all areas of the glass world: glass production, glass processing and finishing as well as glass products and...


Hot Topic at glasstec 2024: Circular Economy in the flat glass industry

Anyone wanting to change structures will have their “work cut out” In 2023 industry emissions fell by 12% against the previous year – as found by the current study “Agora...


START-UP ZONE at glasstec 2024, the stepping stone for innovators in the glass industry

The leading international trade fair for the glass industry will open its doors to innovative...


25 - 26 April 2023 GlassPrint again in Düsseldorf, Germany

The world´s leading trade fair glasstec and GlassPrint, Europe´s only conference and exhibition specifically for the decoration of hollow, flat and speciality glass, are continuing their...


25. – 26. April 2023 GlassPrint wieder in Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Die Weltleitmesse glasstec und die GlassPrint, Europas einzige Konferenz und Ausstellung speziell für die Dekoration von Hohl-, Flach- und Spezialglas – die dekorative Glasveredelung – führen ihre Kooperation...


Fachartikel Nr. 1 - Pharmaverpackung: Auf die Sicherheit kommt es an

Die Nachfrage nach pharmazeutischen Produkten steigt weltweit, immer mehr Medikamente kommen in immer kürzerer Zeit auf den...


Pharmaceutical packaging: Safety is what counts

The demand for pharmaceutical products is increasing worldwide, with more and more medications being launched onto the market in ever shorter periods of...


Lars Wismer takes over management of glasstec

On 1 December 2022, Lars Wismer (49) will take over as Exhibition Director of glasstec, the world´s leading trade fair for the glass...


glasstec 2022: Erfolgreicher Restart

Weltleitmesse unterstreicht ihre Bedeutung im „Internationalen Jahr des...


glasstec 2022: successful restart

World’s leading trade fair underlines its relevance in the “International Year of...


Neue Messe Süd awarded Düsseldorf’s Building of the Year

Recognition by the Society of Architects and Engineers (AIV)...


glasstec 2022: The countdown for the big reunion is on

From 20 to 23 September 2022 the international glass sector will finally meet again at its world’s leading trade fair after four...


Fachartikel Nr. 5: Fassadenbau-Trends

Digitalisierung ist der Schlüssel zur...


Specialist article No 5: Facade Engineering Trends

Digitalisation is the key to...


glasstec 2022: Handwerk LIVE - Das Glaserhandwerk mit allen Sinnen erleben

Produktneuheiten, Networking, Mitmach-Aktionen und...


glasstec 2022: Craft LIVE - Experience the glazier trade with all senses

Product innovations, networking, hands-on activities and...


High-calibre ancillary program at glasstec 2022

Four conferences and glass technology live special for the glass industry – Ticket shop now...


glasstec 2022 | Benefit from the cutting-edge supporting program

Knowledge transfer at the highest level and exchange with leading industry...


glasstec 2022 | Profitieren Sie vom topaktuellen Rahmenprogramm

wissenstransfer auf höchstem Niveau und Austausch mit führenden...


Fachartikel Nr. 2: Decarbonisierung in der Flachglasindustrie

Schmelze und Wannenbetrieb mittels alternativer...


Specialist article No. 02: Decarbonisation in the Float Glass Industry Melting and Glass Furnace Operation using Alternative Energy Systems

Specialist article No. 02: Decarbonisation in the Float Glass Industry Melting and Glass Furnace Operation using Alternative Energy...


Messe Düsseldorf and VDMA: decarbXpo to become leading trade fair for Power-to-X applications

The Expo for Decarbonized Industries > ENERGY STORAGE (decarbXpo) is evolving to become the leading trade fair for Power-to-X technologies and...


Messe Düsseldorf und VDMA: decarbXpo wird führende Messe für Wasserstoffnutzung in der Industrie

Die Expo for Decarbonised Industries, > ENERGY STORAGE (decarbXpo), wird zur führenden Fachmesse für Dekarbonisierung und industrielle Wasserstoffnutzung...


Messe-Duo Metallurgy Russia und Litmash Russia verschoben – neuer Termin: 21. bis 23.06.2022

Nach enger Absprache mit Ausstellern und Partnern verschieben die Messe Düsseldorf, ihre Tochtergesellschaft Messe Düsseldorf Moskau und ihr russischer Partner Metal-Expo die Metallurgy Russia und Litmash...


Messe Düsseldorf and VDMA: decarbXpo to become leading trade fair for Power-to-X applications

A platform that unites technology and services for industrial and commercial...


Messe Düsseldorf und VDMA: decarbXpo wird führende Messe für Power-to-X-Anwendungen

Messe Düsseldorf und VDMA: decarbXpo wird führende Messe für...


upakovka 2022 vor dem Re-Start

Russische Fachmesse Ende Januar wieder...


glasstec UPDATE International Conference: “Carbon Neutrality with Glass”

Towards a Climate-Neutral Future with...


glasstec UPDATE International Conference: „Carbon neutrality with glass“

Mit dem Werkstoff Glas in eine klimaneutrale...


glasstec UPDATE - International conference

Climate neutrality and decarbonization are the great challenges of our time - for business and society...


Carbon neutrality with glass

It’s obvious that certain aspects of our economic activity need to change. The global glass industry faces the challenge of using alternative solutions in the production process with the goal of contributing to a carbon neutral...


Roadmap for a climate-neutral glass industry

From 25 to 26 November the new conference format glasstec UPDATE will shift the focus to Europe and the two mega trends climate neutrality and decarbonisation as a follow-up event for the “Thementage...


glasstec 2022 | 20 -23 September 2022 - LET´S GO LIVE!

glasstec finally returns. Experience the exceptional atmosphere of the world’s No. 1 trade fair once...


Messe Düsseldorf calls off glasstec in June 2021

Next glasstec to be held in line with its accustomed scheduling from 20 to 23 September...


The date for interpack 2023 is set!

components will be held alongside once...


glasstec 2021 | New admission date for registered exhibitors

Save the date of glasstec from 15-18 June 2021 as most important trade fair in your...


Glass in Modern Architecture

Global population is growing alongside increasing urbanisation and construction...


glasstec VIRTUAL strengthens glasstec’s position as the leading trade fair for the global glass sector

glasstec VIRTUAL from 20 to 22 October has successfully bridged the gap between now and the forthcoming glasstec in June...


glasstec VIRTUAL stärkt führende Position der glasstec als Leitmesse für die globale Glasbranche

Die glasstec VIRTUAL hat vom 20. bis 22. Oktober erfolgreich die Brücke zur anstehenden glasstec im Juni 2021 geschlagen. VIRTUAL hat vom 20. bis 22. Oktober erfolgreich die Brücke zur anstehenden glasstec im Juni 2021...


glasstec VIRTUAL: ready to kick off tomorrow!

From 20 to 22 October 2020 the new digital networking platform will provide the international glass sector with extensive insights into the state of the...


Werner M. Dornscheidt retires leaving Messe Düsseldorf after almost 37 years

Wolfram N. Diener will succeed him as CEO on 1 July...


glasstec 2020 postponed – New Dates: 15 – 18 June 2021

The effects of the Coronavirus have now also impacted glasstec 2020, which will be postponed to 15 to 18 June...


Specialist Article No. 2: Glass Production and Sustainability

The production of glass or molten glass, to be precise, is doubtlessly very...


Corona Virus: interpack 2020 postponed

New date 25 February to 3 March...


Permanently Present for 40 Years: Messe Düsseldorf Moscow Celebrates Anniversary

Messe Düsseldorf was already engaged in Russia as the first foreign trade fair company back in...


Hans Werner Reinhard to Resign from his Position as Operating Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf

Reinhard´s family life focus will shift to Southern...


3. Thementage Glas: Glass Connects – Der Werkstoff, der uns verbindet

Alle zwei Jahre trifft die Glasbranche sich auf der glasstec, der Weltleitmesse der globalen...


upakovka Partners up with Several Drinks Associations

Beverages take precedence at the next upakovka, which will take place at the AO Expocentre Krasnaja Presnja in Moscow from 28 to 31 January...


3. Thementage Glas – Glass Connects

Die 3. Thementage Glas machen vom 14. bis 15. November den Werkstoff Glas wieder erlebbar und bieten aufschlussreiche Einblicke in den aktuellen Stand der Forschung, Informationen zu technologischen Neuerungen und die Gelegenheit, sich über...


Interpack alliance erschließt MEA-Region mit neuer Messe

Die interpack alliance der Messe Düsseldorf expandiert in die Middle East Africa (MEA)-Region. Die „pacprocess MEA“ findet ab Dezember 2019 jährlich im Egypt International Exhibition Center in Kairo...

Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt. Ltd.


glasspex India, glasspro India & fenestrationpro India moves to September 2023

In view of the impending uncertainty during these pandemic times glasspex INDIA has been postponed to 14-16 September...


4th glasspro INDIA & 7th glasspex INDIA to be held on Sep 23-25, 2021 in Mumbai

The forthcoming editions of glasspro INDIA, the country’s leading glass products and technology exhibition jointly organized by Messe Düsseldorf India and Glass Bulletin, and glasspex INDIA, the nation’s leading exhibition in glass production and...


6th glasspex INDIA & 3rd glasspro INDIA brings latest trends & innovations in the Indian Subcontinent

Two of the India’s premier events on the glass industry - glasspex India & glasspro India- will open their doors from 10-12 October, 2019 at Bombay Convention Centre- Mumbai India. Leading companies from all the over the world will gather under one...



International Exhibition for Flat glass Processing and Products - will once again open its shutters from 10 - 12 October 2019 in...


Glass industry gears up for glasspro India 2019

3rd Edition Of Glasspro To Be Held In Mumbai In October...

Info Grid


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