The Challenge of Glass Bow
In the demanding world of glass manufacturing and processing, the unwanted overall bow of glass presents a significant challenge. After the intensive tempering process, glass manufacturers or processors often face enormous technical challenges. They must deal with the overall bow of the tempered glass pane at various process steps. This deformation can impair both aesthetic quality and negatively impact production efficiency.
Increasing Quality Requirements
In an era where an increasingly demanding market sets higher quality standards, glass manufacturers and processors are confronted with the urgent need to improve their quality standards. Automation is changing production methods and requires quality control systems that can work efficiently with less experienced workers. It is becoming increasingly important to utilize cutting-edge quality assurance solutions to achieve consistently high production performance.
Innovative Measurement Techniques
The overall bow is a measure of the curvature of a glass pane and varies due to various factors. This warpage or deformation of a glass pane after the tempering furnace can be measured in different ways, depending on the requirements and accuracy of the measurement.
The BowScanner: A Revolutionary Solution
The BowScanner, developed by Softsolution, offers an effective solution for minimizing risks and optimizing production efficiency. Measuring the overall bow of the glass before it is transported to storage systems or used for insulating glass units prevents downtime and guarantees reliable product quality.
Technical Specifications
The BowScanner offers exceptional performance and precision. Its vertical installation allows for easy integration into existing glass processing workflows. The device provides precise measurements at an impressive rate of 60 measurements per second and measures glass heights from 100 mm to 3400 mm and glass thicknesses from 2 to 15 mm.
Data Analysis and Optimization
The Softsolution BowScanner delivers valuable data, including the overall bow for all edges and both diagonals. It displays the surface profile of the glass pane, thus supporting effective analysis. It optimizes workflows, reduces the risk of breakage, and prevents bowed glasses from being further used for insulating glass units or laminates.
Long-term Benefits
Quality assurance with bow measurement, where panes with excessive curvature are identified and removed, sustainably increases production quality and quantity. Early detection of quality defects leads to a better understanding of the causes and long-term optimization of the tempering process, especially in furnace parameters. Modern scanners detect problematic panes early and remove them from production. This prevents glass breakage and time-consuming cleaning work that leads to production delays. The BowScanner from Softsolution offers the perfect solution here with high accuracy and replicability, achieving rapid optimization of production efficiency.
Boost your productivity with the BowScanner and secure high-quality products and a competitive edge. For an exclusive insight into the functionality and impressive capabilities of the BowScanner, visit our website - and watch our informative product video.
29.01.2025, LiteSentry - Softsolution
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