Message from Adrian Curry, Deputy Chair of Glass Futures, following the UK Government’s major announcement about investment in green energy

“It was fantastic to be present at the Elton plant of Glass Futures’ member Encirc when they played host to the UK Prime Minister, Chancellor and Energy Secretary for the announcement of major funding for two carbon capture sites. What a great day for decarbonisation, industry, the regions and manufacturing jobs.

Glass Futures joins the industry in welcoming this exciting development and congratulating all parties concerned. Having separately secured substantial government funding in recent times to facilitate trials and demonstrate decarbonisation solutions, Glass Futures will continue to work closely with government on behalf of the global membership and all industry stakeholders committed to making glass the low carbon material of choice. With Glass Futures’ Global Centre of Excellence in St Helens placed at the heart of the sector’s collective sustainability mission, many more collaborative projects are already planned when the R&D pilot furnace fires early next year.

Complementing the Government’s new investment into green energy, I also encourage glassmakers, suppliers, brands and end-users to join the Glass Futures membership network and take advantage of a unique opportunity to contribute towards a sustainable future for glass”.

Visit Glass Futures at glasstec:

Stand 13/A22 (with AIGMF).


Image L-R: Sir Keir Starmer (UK Prime Minister) and Adrian Curry (Deputy Chair of Glass Futures).

* Original press releases:

11.10.2024, Glass Futures

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