New Technology for Shipping Newly Produced Bottles and jars Has Arrived.

California native and Inventor Mark Costello who works at a local winery driving a forklift has reverse engineered the standard shipping method for bottles, jars and cans to production facilities in the U.S. and abroad.

The standard method of shipping bulk bottles, cans and jars after production is to strap and stretch wrap the pallet before it is shipped to the customer. Mr. Costello noticed how much plastic and strapping he was throwing away after each production run and started the process of designing and patenting his version of how bottles jars and cans should be stabilized before shipment.

Mr. Costello also noticed that when a trailer full of glass came into the winery to be unloaded, the glass stacks required up to eleven air bags to hold them in place. Mr. Costello Said, “my shipping method will truly make producing single use containers of any material, environmentally sustainable and will eliminate the need for stretch wrap and airbags currently being used by these facilities”.

The change I am asking these facilities to undertake will not interrupt production and will finally close the loop regarding their production process.

Mr. Costello is currently looking for a licensee or investor that shares his passion for reusable packaging, and a factory that has the fortitude to lead by example.

05.02.2024, Glass recycling Coalition

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