Change in management

Matthias Bach, previously the Technical Director of Swisspacer, has been CEO of the Swiss company since 1 October. He follows Francis Cholley, who becomes General Manager of EuroKera within the Saint-Gobain Group.

Matthias Bach has worked at Swisspacer for 8 years. Initially a Supply Chain project leader, he took on the remit of Technical Director in 2017. “I am proud to be able to lead the familiar, talented Swisspacer team into the future, and look forward to continuing the successful internationalisation programme pursued by Francis Cholley,” says Bach, who, in addition to a master's degree in industrial engineering, also holds an executive MBA since the beginning of this year.

Bach is perfectly familiar with the manufacturer of warm edge spacer bars. He helped build up the new locations in England and France and was significantly involved in restructuring the production network in 2021. “Owing to the company’s high level of success, we have been able to almost double production capacities through investments and efficiency increases since I joined. The automation and digitalisation of production processes as well as the introduction of innovative logistics concepts played a key role in this,” reports the new CEO.

The graduate engineer looks to the future with optimism: “Our innovation roadmap promises many new products as well as new services such as load carriers or digital interfaces, which will further expand our position as a reliable, global partner. I am certain that we will continue to write the success story of Swisspacer together with our capable team, our customary commitment to Swiss quality and our closeness to our customers.”

The previous CEO Francis Cholley becomes General Manager at EuroKera, a joint venture between Saint-Gobain and Corning. “Swisspacer has a fantastic team, brilliant products and enormous growth potential,” says Cholley at the baton handover. “I am fully convinced that Matthias is the right leadership personality to take Swisspacer to the next level.”


04.10.2023, Swisspacer

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