Glas Künzel from Bad Windsheim: Laser engraving can help win new customers

The German company Glas Künzel uses cericom laser glass processing machines to produce one-offs and small series for doors and shower enclosures. The systems enable glass processing to be carried out 24/7. Here are the details.

Glas Künzel GmbH from Bad Windsheim (near Nuremberg in Germany) is a family business with over 70 years of tradition which today employs 25 people. Managing director Sven Künzel took over the business from his father and is involved in glass processing, finishing and innovative design. What distinguishes the trained glazier and glass construction technician, who also studied art history (specialising in stained glass) and philosophy, from others? Sven Künzel: "It's the creative approach we use to win customers, and the laser helps us enormously."

It can be used to efficiently manufacture individual glass products and design glass, including glass doors that are custom-made for each order, even with special shapes. These are supplied with fittings and hinges on request.

The special highlight here is the individual design options. "Whether photo-realistic or abstract, from portrait to pattern: we make everything possible," explains Sven Künzel.


The majority of his customers are craftsmen and private clients, and many of them are looking for individual and creative design solutions.

Investment in third laser is planned

In the workshop, different glass processing methods are implemented. Laser processing makes up a significant part of this.

Among the advantages of laser glass processing, Sven Künzel cites the fact that the laser equipment works dust-free and does not require the use of auxiliary materials such as abrasives and water. Almost 10 years ago, the company purchased its first vertical system, a c-vertica from the manufacturer cericom.

Since the laser engravings were so well received by his customers, the second system followed in 2020. And the investment in the third laser from cericom is now imminent. "We are currently planning to purchase our third laser system," says Sven Künzel. "Not as a replacement, but to expand our spectrum and diversity."

"For us, the decision to invest in laser systems for glass processing was a great move that has had a positive impact on our market position," Sven Künzel sums up. "What advice would I give to other companies who are considering purchasing a laser? Go for it!"

10.07.2023, Glas Künzel

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