Family Day at Vetropack Straža

On Saturday 3 June, we held a wonderful gathering of our employees and their families - our first Family Day. It was a day of fun, laughter and a real sense of community that exceeded all expectations.

There have been many engaging activities: from face painting and a photobooth to creative workshops and kids corner led by our colleagues - something for everyone. The glass-shaping demonstrations captured everyone's attention and showcased the artistry and skills behind it. Demonstrations were given by the students of the school of glassmaking from Rogaška Slatina, who also made jewellery with glass beads and decorated glasses together with the children. The youngest ones also enjoyed in very interactive show „Big Glass Adventure“.

And during the factory tour, families got to know our working environment and the production process itself.

Thanks to the commitment and dedication of colleagues from all departments, we managed to create a enjoyable atmosphere where everyone felt welcome It was inspiring to see how they all connect and develop a sense of togetherness beyond the workplace.

06.06.2023, Stoelzle

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