#interpack: Lots of hot topics

Even though hardly any other industry is as diverse as the packaging industry: time and again there are overarching issues that affect the most diverse areas equally.

Circular economy, resource conservation, digital technologies and product safety are such topics - and interpack is the trade fair where you can learn all about corresponding solutions and innovative technologies.

In addition, today we are taking a look together at the sectors at interpack, giving you guidance and actively supporting you in preparing your visit to the trade fair.

To the Hot Topics



Topics for your industry

A visit to interpack is also indispensable for your industry. No other trade fair covers the entire value chain and offers tailor-made solutions and innovative concepts in this range.

Among the main sectors


Perfect orientation:

The interactive hall plan

What happens where at interpack 2023? Where exactly are the exhibitors and topics that are of particular interest to you? The interactive hall plan gives you perfect orientation right away.

To the hall plan



Good preparation is everything

That's why we have compiled a whole range of important information for you in a compact form: from "before" to "during" and "after the fair", you will find practical tools to make things easier for you.

For trade fair preparation

14.02.2023, interpack

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