The second episode of Zignago Vetro´s web series: from recycled glass to the new product

The second installment of Zignago Vetro’s web series, created in collaboration with Gambero Rosso, is now online. This episode aims to give a reply to the question: how does glass cullet become the finished product?

The focus this time is on the production process, described with the participation of Biagio Costantini, Zignago Vetro’s Food & Beverage Sales Director: from our meticulous control of the cullet, continuing with the designing of new containers and the improvement of existing ones, and ending with the secrets behind the individual incandescent drops that go to form the new products.

The story of Zignago Vetro’s products therefore begins from the point you least expect: the end, in other words with the glass cullet obtained from previous containers; material which, thanks to the concerted effects of human skills and innovative technology, gives rise to new products that then make their way all over the world. 

This is a story and a process with a dual objective: guaranteeing respect for the environment thanks to the increased quantity of recycled glass used in the products, as well as constant growth, maintaining our focus on the requirements of each client.

You can watch this episode of the web series by clicking on the button below, or on all the official channels of Gambero Rosso: The Magic of Glass Ep. 2

31.01.2023, Zignago Vetro

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