The Glassman Europe conference will focus on the glass manufacturing process, trends in production and ways to make the glassmaking process more efficient. 

Speakers include Turkish glass manufacturers Sisecam, GCA, Park Cam and Basturk Cam..

Wednesday 8th February 2023

10:30-10:50 Sustainable Glass Manufacturing / Sisecam

10:50-11:10 Glass Packaging: A Sustainably Growing Industry, Turkish and Global Outlook / GCA

11:10-11:30 A general view of Park Cam and its decarbonisation work / Park Cam

11:30-11:50 Baştürk Cam's new investment and it's contribution to it's customers and environment / Basturk Cam

11:50-12:10 The future of packaging – glass: fit for the future? / GCA

12:10-12:30 Glass Recycling and a Producer Driven Recycling System for Glass Packaging in Turkey / Sisecam

14:00-14:20 The Power of 3 – SORG GROUP – Single Source for the Hot End / EME-SORG GROUP

14:20-14:40 Developing a sustainable glass recycling system / Krysteline Technologies

14:40-15:00 Global outlook for Soda Ash / Soda Ash

15:00-15:20 A novel method improving the mechanical strength of glass / EXXERGY Group

15:20-15:40 Digitalization and data - the key to success for glass industry / Vertech

15:40-16:00 Compressors and Pumps for Hollow Glass / Pneumofore

Thursday 9th February 2023

10:30-10:50 The future of glass furnaces in a decarbonised world / FIC UK

10:50-11:10 Data collection to implement energy-saving strategies / BDF Industries

11:10-11:30 All-electric melting technologies on the road to decarbonization / Fives Stein

11:50-12:10 Decarbonisation & how it affects TECO Furnace design / TECO

12:10-12:30 Combining IMAGEPro glass with NIR-B-2K thermal imaging to improve your carbon footprint and reduce NOx emissions in glass furnace applications / AMETEK Land

12:30-12:50 How much CO2 are glass furnaces producing and why you may want to measure? / Simpson Combustion & Energy Ltd

12:50-13:10 Energy Balance Simulations to Quantify Energy/Cost savings / CelSian


View the conference programme


16.01.2023, Glassman Europe

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