Forglass hosts Marek Kaminski during his latest expedition

Marek Kaminski, the Polish polar explorer and Guinness record holder needs no introduction. Among his many accomplishments is the creation of Life Plan Academy – a unique self-development program, aimed at youth aged 14-17 who are at risk of social exclusion and may lack their communities’ support in their personal growth. The latest instalment of this program is Life Plan Expedition, which took place in June and was aimed at building psychological resilience in young people. Together with his travel companion, a robot named NOA, Marek met with young students, as well as teachers, experts and parents. Especially important in those meetings were also children fleeing the war in Ukraine.

One of the first meetings of Life Plan Expedition took place in Kraków at the offices of Forglass – the company, who partnered with Life Plan Academy and has been supporting the organization from the very beginning. Forglass is extremely proud of its partnership with Marek Kaminski and Life Plan Academy. This program would not exist without its strategic partners and sponsors, and the more companies and organisations become involved, the better our world will be! By taking care of our kids, we can assure a better future for them and for ourselves.

02.08.2022, Forglass

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