Surpassing Expectations at Ardagh Glass

Pneumofore machines are sold with pay-back calculations. For our customers, the average Return on Investment is 36 months, sometimes even less. With a sharp analysis of the present status and the expected future situation, our engineers estimate the achievable energy savings over years of operation.

Catalogue data are not sufficient to effectively compare machinery alternatives. For this reason, clients rightly give rising relevance to guaranteed efficiency values and require quantitative statements on after-sale costs. On these core topics, Pneumofore is well positioned. The picture shows 3 air-cooled vacuum pumps, model UV50 VS, running at Ardagh Glass in Doncaster (UK) since September 2020.

Pneumofore agreed on installing this vacuum system with the guarantee of 20% less energy usage than the previous system. At the commissioning made by our technicians, the saving in electrical consumption was measured to be at least 24%. The customer exclaimed: ”Pneumofore is over-performing!”


05.05.2022, Pneumofore

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