Vidrala commits to future of glass with Glass Hallmark

Leading European glass producer, Vidrala, is one of the first packagers to make use of FEVE’s new Glass Hallmark on its bottles. The symbol has been created by the European Container Glass Federation to champion the benefits of glass and to encourage better recycling levels across the continent.

Through its Encirc plant in Derrylin Northern Ireland, Vidrala has been able to emboss its 75cl BD glass bottles with the seal. By communicating the infinitely recyclable and reusable nature of glass on the bottles themselves, the Glass Hallmark symbolises a commitment to create a sustainable future using glass. This aligns closely with Vidrala’s Glass Made Good sustainability strategy.

FEVE has set its sights on Europe achieving a 90 per cent glass recycling rate by 2030 - an increase of 14 per cent from 2019. It is hoped the Glass Hallmark will play a key role in reaching this goal, with the symbol reminding people to recycle their containers.

Fiacre O’Donnell, Director of Sustainability at Vidrala, said: “Although it is one of the oldest materials, we believe, along with FEVE, that glass is the sustainable packaging choice of the future. With 2022 being the UN’s International Year of Glass, now is the perfect time to champion its incredible benefits; from its recyclability capabilities, to its health advantages and its ability to keep produce fresher for longer.

“Increasing the amount of glass being recycled is a vital step towards creating a truly circular economy in packaging, and initiatives and the Glass Hallmark give us a unique opportunity to remind consumers to recycle their glass on the bottle itself.”

11.03.2022, Vidrala

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