Heinz Glass China Furnace No.1 Light Up

In February 2022, Heinz Glas (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. lighted up the company’s No.1 furnace. This project marked Heinz Glas’s first investment of high-end cosmetics and perfume bottle production line in China.

Shanghai Precision Dosing & Weighing System Co., Ltd (“Shanghai Precision”) served the project as the General Contractor for complete batch plant and cullet return system. Shanghai Precision took responsibility for engineering design, equipment assembly and supply, and provided all equipment and system covering raw material unloading, storage, dosing & weighing, transporting, de-dusting, and cullet return, crushing & transporting from the cold-end and hot-end, as well as equipment installation, on-site testing, commissioning and training. The design, fabrication and erection of steel structure and silos for the batch house were also done by Shanghai Precision.

Despite rising raw material costs and recurring COVID situations during project implementation, Shanghai Precision worked closely with Heinz Glas China and overseas team for frequent contact and timely coordination. In addition, with strong support from our suppliers, Shanghai Precision has managed to complete the design, fabrication, assembly, shipping, installation, testing, commissioning and startup within limited time frame, and ensured timely furnace light-up.

Shanghai Precision specializes in the design and supply of batch system for float glass, fiber glass, container glass, display glass, pharmaceutical glass, etc. Our technical expertise and system quality has been recognized by many customers both in China and abroad.

Founded in Germany in 1622, Heinz Glas is a globally leading Container glass manufacturer for high-end perfume and cosmetics bottles. 

09.03.2022, Shanghai Precision Dosing & Weighing System Co., Ltd

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