Berlin Packaging Completes Acquisition of Le Parfait Brand

Berlin Packaging, the world’s largest hybrid packaging supplier®, announced today it has completed its acquisition of the Le Parfait business and brands from O-I France SAS. The acquisition strengthens Berlin Packaging’s position as a leading supplier of high-quality glass containers in the business-to-business (B2B) market while simultaneously gaining share in the business-to-consumer (B2C) market.

Le Parfait is known for its iconic glass jars and lids manufactured by O-I France SAS and its affiliates. The beloved French brand is steeped in the tradition of homemade food preservation for jams, preserves, honeys, and terrines. The easily identifiable, durable glass jars feature natural and recycled rubber seals, providing a sustainable packaging solution.

"Today, we completed the acquisition of the Le Parfait brand, further reinforcing our leadership in the B2B premium glass packaging market and bringing exciting new opportunities in the consumer market,” says Paolo Recrosio, CEO of Berlin Packaging EMEA.

"Throughout our rapid expansion in Europe, we have strategically focused on partnerships that bring value to our customers, our suppliers, and our people. As we grow the business, we intend to continue the proud ’Made in France’ tradition of the Le Parfait brand,” said Bill Hayes, Global CEO and President of Berlin Packaging.

Le Parfait glass jars and lids are manufactured at plants in Puy-Guillaume, France, and Sevilla, Spain. O-I France and its affiliates will continue to manufacture the Le Parfait glass jars and lids under a long-term supply agreement with Berlin Packaging France, ensuring continuity of supply for this product.

25.01.2022, Berlin Packaging

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