Nathalie Benedikt becomes new CFO at Meyer Burger

Meyer Burger Technology Ltd  is appointing a new member to the Executive Board as of January 1, 2022: Nathalie Benedikt (born 1976) will take over the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) from Jürgen Schiffer, who has been supporting the company's transformation since October 2020. The graduate in business administration brings many years of broad-based experience in all areas of a CFO. Most recently, she was CFO at Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG in Asslar, Germany. The TecDAX-listed company develops and sells machines for vacuum generation and measurement and supplies, among others, the solar industry. 

Within Meyer Burger Group, the German national will be responsible for Finance, Controlling, IT, Risk Management and Investor Relations. Now that Meyer Burger has completed the transformation phase, Nathalie Benedikt will further strengthen the strategic focus of the technology company as a global manufacturer of high-efficiency solar modules and solar cells, as well as its international orientation, including in communications with investors and analysts. 

"We are very pleased that with Nathalie Benedikt we have been able to win an internationally experienced and competent CFO for the further expansion steps at Meyer Burger," said Chairman of the Board of Directors Franz Richter. "She is continuing the reorganization of Meyer Burger in the areas of responsibility of a CFO, which her predecessor Jürgen Schiffer initiated with great success." Meyer Burger would like to thank Jürgen Schiffer for his commitment during the transformation phase.

18.10.2021, Meyer Burger Technology Ltd

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