Ahlstrom-Munksjö announces Glass-Gard® interleaving papers for automotive applications

Interleaving papers for automotive glass applications protect products and ensure their safe delivery to manufacturers.

Ahlstrom-Munksjö works with a wide range of industries to provide sustainable, fiber-based alternatives to traditional products and technologies. The latest of these alternatives is Glass-Gard®, a line of automotive glass interleaving papers.

Glass-Gard® interleaving papers protect automotive glass applications such as windshields, backlights, sunroofs, or side windows from scratching, breakage, abrasion and hazing prior to their installation in vehicles. They prevent staining and provide cushioning for glass products during handling, storage, and transportation. Glass-Gard® papers are engineered to reduce alkalinity and absorb moisture, protecting the product from corrosion and tarnishing of metalized components. This highly innovative material maintains glass clarity by preventing the transfer of resins and other compounds to the surface of the product.

Glass-Gard® is available with sustainability certifications, marking it an environmentally friendly option for interleaving. Papers can be produced using natural kraft fiber, and the product is supported by Ahlstrom-Munksjö's trulyNatural® technology. In addition to automotive glass, Glass-Gard® papers can be used to protect a variety of other products, including microscope slides, solar glass, and museum glass.

"Glass-Gard® papers are designed to provide the highest level of protection for automotive glass," said Zack Leimkuehler, Vice President of Ahlstrom-Munksjö's Technical Solutions business. "We are committed to ensuring that any and all glass products supported by our interleaving papers are in pristine condition upon their delivery. With this opportunity, we look forward to further expanding the technical applications of our papers in the automotive industry."

17.09.2021, Ahlstrom-Munksjö

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