Glaston’s Board of Directors has approved a revised strategy with key objectives for 2021–2025.

The key objectives are clearly improved organic growth and profitability, based on Glaston’s own strategic initiatives and the expected market growth.

Glaston’s addressable glass processing equipment market is expected to grow by more than 5% annually, on average, during the strategy period, and Glaston’s ambition is to clearly exceed this market growth. Strategic must-win development initiatives securing net sales growth and improved profitability have been identified in all Glaston’s business areas and the services business. These initiatives are supported by Group-wide cornerstone initiatives that target improved commercial and operational excellence.  

Glaston’s core technologies and lifecycle solutions continue to be at the center of its strategy and Glaston aims to take market share in all its business areas. As the frontrunner in its industry, Glaston plans to increase its investments in innovation and development. Glaston is also continuing its commitment to leading the industry’s digital transformation. Profitability improvement is supported by net sales growth, an optimal product offering, as well as productivity improvements.

Along with its strategy, Glaston has set a new vision, which is to ‘lead the global glass processing industry forward with innovative technologies and lifecycle solutions’. The company’s purpose continues to be ‘build a better tomorrow through safer, smarter and more energy-efficient glass solutions’.

“This strategy builds on our strengths, which are derived from the combination of Bystronic glass and Glaston. We are focusing on fully utilizing the unique opportunity to leverage our wide range of core glass processing technologies, good customer relationships, experienced people with vast know-how, industry-leading services and a large installed base. Strong global megatrends and clearly growing markets, as well as our business area specific and company-wide initiatives, are driving the growth and give us the confidence to set ambitious financial targets”, says Anders Dahlblom, President and CEO of Glaston Corporation.

“Glaston is aiming to take its sustainability ambition to the next level by adding new non-financial targets. These highlight the sustainable nature of our business and the strategic importance of our ESG commitment. I look forward to embarking on this strategic journey together with a fully committed Glaston team”, Dahlblom continues.

Financial targets

Glaston’s new financial targets for the strategy period 2021–2025 are:  

As glass processing technologies continue to be a fragmented industry, Glaston is maintaining an interest in participating in industry consolidation.


As the innovative frontrunner in its industry, Glaston’s ambition is to continue being the leader in developing the industry towards a more sustainable future. The majority of Glaston’s business is targeted at the architectural customer segment in which the company’s products provide key technologies for improving energy efficiency and the safety of buildings.

In its own operations, Glaston is committed to providing a safe and good workplace for its employees, being a responsible partner to its customers, utilizing resources efficiently, and reducing the environmental impact of its production processes. Also, as the demand for more energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable glass solutions is growing strongly, Glaston is continuing to develop its product portfolio to meet this demand.

New non-financial targets

Addressing the company’s focus on sustainability, in addition to its  financial targets, Glaston has set new non-financial strategic targets:


Glaston will capture growth through its core technologies and lifecycle solutions from the following customer segments: architecture, automotive, display and solar, as well as three regions: the Americas, APAC and EMEA. China is a common focus area throughout Glaston, as it holds the single largest growth potential for all customer segments and Glaston’s business areas.

The following strategic must-win initiatives have been identified:


06.08.2021, Glaston Oy

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