O-I Glass are the sole manufacturers of glass bottles in New Zealand and produce approximately 80% of all bottles used by wine producers and brewers in New Zealand as well as a number of other industries.  They also export some of their products overseas.

The AK-4 project entailed a major expansion to the manufacturing capability by adding another complete manufacturing chain from raw material through to wrapping of bottles on pallets.

The project included the importation and installation of major plant such as the furnace, batching silos, batching mixers, bottle making machine, annealing machine, transformers, generators, a new ESP  (electro-static precipitation) filter and chimney stack to treat all exhaust fumes.  In addition there were extensive mechanical, electrical, controls, and fire protection services systems.

To accommodate the plant and services required, construction of a number of buildings included a new batch house, furnace building, machine building, cold end building, switch house, transformer building, and ESP building.

The program for the project was accelerated and became a critical factor to the success of the project reflecting the demand for, and value of, the added production.  The project period was 15 months from commencement of design until completion.  Maintaining services and access to the existing plant which operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week added significant challenges.

WT provided estimating, procurement and cost management advice.  The role included negotiation of construction and services contracts and approval of all construction related costs on behalf of O-I Glass.  WT worked closely with the client, design team, construction managers and contractors to assist with the successful delivery of the project.

22.04.2020, O-I Glass

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