Horn Glass Industries has welcomed six new apprentices to the company based in Plössberg, Germany.
The future specialists were warmly welcomed on the first working day of their new stage of life by the CEO & MD of Horn Glass Industries, Stephan Meindl, alongside members of different departments throughout the company.
The six trainees included two metalworkers, one draughtsman and three electronic technicians started and began work on 1st September 2020.
Horn currently has a total of 33 apprentices, thus making up a sizeable proportion of the workforce.
Horn Glass Industries creates the framework for a successful start to professional life and qualified training by means of intensive training in its various specialist departments as well as an open ear and competent support from colleagues and superiors.
During their training, the apprentices will get to know the different departments, while also being able to accompany their colleagues on construction sites and get to know the entire company.
21.09.2020, Horn Glass Industries
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