High-tech from Swiss countryside to the global market

The homes of Grünig and SignTronic are no fancy big city manufacturing sites but medium-sized production and company offices in small villages near Niesen mountain (Grünig) in the western part and the Säntis (SignTronic) in the eastern part of Switzerland.

Focused on suitable production premises to cover the needs of its internal departments, as well as to highly educated and professional employees, both companies sign also for modesty in their appearance, says Andreas Ferndriger.

Many customers are astonished to find the production of such high-tech products in small villages. International companies supplying clients in more than 40 countries around the world with high-tech products are – normally – not to be found up in this countryside.

Grünig and SignTronic are dedicated to the screen manufacture and preparation processes in the screen printing industry.

Their core competences are based on Swiss professionalism and quality. ‘Made in Switzerland’ is not employed simply as an empty phrase but as a commitment that is implemented wholeheartedly by the organisations and workforces.

Screen making is one of the elementary factors in the screen printing process, as this is the crucial point that determines printing quality, printing output and – essentially – costs. Under the slogan ‘ONE VISION - the perfect screen’, Grünig and SignTronic offer solutions that can be summarised by the term ‘technology and automation’.


23.06.2020, Grünig-Interscreen AG

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