Carbon Disclosure Project awards Ardagh

Ardagh is delighted to have received prestigious Leadership class ratings from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for climate change (A-) and for supplier engagement (A). Ardagh’s efforts for water security have been rated as Management class (B).

CDP, a global environmental impact group, drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Ardagh has worked with CDP since 2011.

Environmental performance as part of an overall sustainability strategy is a key focus for Ardagh, which recently established a Global Sustainability Board Committee to drive initiatives in this area, including co-ordinating its global sustainability work, accelerating sustainability programmes and increasing responsiveness.

Ardagh’s vision is to be the preferred packaging partner to the world’s leading brands, supplying sustainable and infinitely recyclable metal and glass solutions. Sustainability is at the core of Ardagh’s activities and is defined by Ardagh as not only delivering a reduced environmental impact but also achieving sound economic performance while making a positive social contribution.

"Achieving this important external validation from CDP underlines Ardagh’s commitment towards environmental management," said John Sadlier, Chief Sustainability Officer, Ardagh Group.

19.02.2020, Ardagh Group

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