UK glass manufacturers attend Glass Suppliers Alliance seminar

Members of the UK glass manufacturing industry heard about the latest trends and innovations driving the industry at a seminar yesterday (Wednesday).

The UK Glass Suppliers Alliance technical seminar took place in Barnsley, UK and was organised by nine technology providers to the industry.

Each gave two 15-minute presentations to the audience of UK glass manufacturers first about their company and then about some of their latest technological innovations.

Approximatey 40 people from companies such as Ardagh Glass,O-I, Allied Glass, Stolzle, Beatson Clark, Encirc and Nippon Electric Glass were in attendance.

The nine suppliers were DSF Refractories, Fives, Graphoidal, Glassworks Hounsell, Pro-Sight, Pennine Industrial, Rondot GB, Sheppee and Heat Up.

Lincoln Brown, of Pro-Sight and who chaired the seminar for the day, afterwards said the majority of the innovations presented had only been released in the past six months.

He said afterwards: "I'm happy because everyone that's come have all seemed to pick up something that they didn’t know before and have hopefully learnt something new." 

26.11.2019, Glass International

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