Empakglass at Vetreria Etrusca

As we are starting to approach the countdown to the end of  2019, and still we several assignments in hands, we just wanted to mention our latest assignment.

Vetreria Etrusca, located in Altare, near Savona, Italy, invited Empakglass, after a Mould Design Training held in July, to deliver an IS Production and Quality Control training.

Etrusca has several daily challenges, making in between 4 to 5 job changes per day, on a total of 7 lines, the articles that are produced are much more than trivial shapes. And produces in some lines 4 articles at the same time, with different weights.

So, focusing from the glass conditioning, gob shape, delivery, IS settings and timing, in a very interactive and synergic approach, we covered the basic approach and then we were challenged by Etrusca teams to actually perform it on their running productions.

Well, for everyone who has seen Empak teams in action... our natural habitat is the shopfloor!

From Empak, we just wanted to mention that we really loved all the interaction with Etrusca Team, the fact they were really engaged in participating and for the confidence they had in our approach.

See you soon, Etrusca!


18.11.2019, Empakglass

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