Beautiful easy clean glass railings and pool fencing

Uninterrupted views. Clean lines. Open plan spaces.

There is no denying that glass is the material of choice for hotels, resorts, commercial properties and residences. Glass however, needs to be maintained and without regular cleaning, it can quickly become an eyesore with exposure to dust, dirt and fingerprints.

Furthermore, coastal properties with glass railings and glass fencing around swimming pools are subjected to salt and chlorine which can increase maintenance and eventually lead to permanent etching and staining.

Add the EnduroShield advantage to your glass

Leading glass providers around the world rely on EnduroShield to drive added revenue and enhance the performance of glass for their customers:

Global Project Highlights

Glass companies and field applicators from Cape Town to Cairns, and Birmingham to Bangkok are using EnduroShield to value add on glass railings and pool fencing. With a range of application options available, it's never been easier to specify EnduroShield. Glass can be pre-treated in factory or application can be done on-site. Here are some railing projects we are proud to have been included on include aquaview residential, temple apartment, Boathouse Hendrys Beach,  and Montreal Biodome. 

30.07.2019, EnduroShield

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