Ardagh signs 10-year agreement with The Absolut Company

Ardagh Group has signed a 10-year agreement with The Absolut Company.

The agreement sees Ardagh supply The Absolut Company with glass bottles for its Absolut Vodka brand. At its core, the partnership will focus on sustainability, innovation and future growth. Both companies are said to be committed to keeping the environmental impact as low as possible.

The agreement will also ensure that carbon emissions are further reduced in the production of the glass bottles. Anna Malmhake, CEO of The Absolut Company, said: "The great thing about this long-term partnership is that we can act on a world leading level when it comes to innovation and sustainability, throughout the whole supply chain." Ardagh's production facility in Limmared is the largest supplier of the Absolut Vodka bottle since the brand’s launch 40 years ago.

Ardagh produce more than 100 million Absolut Vodka bottles every year in Sweden's oldest operating glassworks, founded in 1740.  Today, Ardagh Limmared employs approximately 480 people. The Absolut Vodka bottles are produced using more than 40% recycled glass. Furthermore, it is reported that 60% of all Swedish recycled clear glass is used in the production of Absolut Vodka bottles.

"We are delighted The Absolut Company have renewed their trust in Ardagh to consistently deliver quality, sustainable packaging," said Bo Nilsson, Operations Director Nordic, Ardagh Group.

"Our team at Limmared has worked in partnership with Absolut for 40 years, consistently delivering premium, innovative products.

Ardagh shares their commitment to sustainable packaging and, with this latest agreement, looks forward to cooperating on further advances for many years in the future." The agreement lasts until 2029 and is The Absolut Company's largest supplier agreement.

24.07.2019, Ardagh Group

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