Experts will discuss the future of glassmaking during a conference devoted to sustainability.
Speakers from banks, associations and the industry itself will highlight the ways in which glass manufacturers can capitalise on the latest technologies. The debate at the Glassman Europe event in Lyon, France also will focus on how the glass industry can increase the reduced reliance on single-use plastic.
Keynote speaker Susan Hansen will highlight some of the latest innovations and in the plastic industry and why it remains such a popular material, despite a public backlash against it. Other speakers include AB InBev’s Aline Casagrande, who will discuss the global brewer’s and glassmaker’s sustainable strategy, and FEVE, who will discuss the EU’s Emissions Trading System.
Glassman Europe takes place in Halls 4 and 5 at the Cite de Congeress, Lyon, France on September 17 and 18.
17.07.2019, Glassman Europe
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