The year 2022 could be designated the Year of Glass under proposals put forward to the United Nations.
Glass industry leaders are drafting a plan to submit to the UN in New York which outlines why glass is such an important material and worthy of such a prestigious accolade. Alicia Duran, President of the International Congress of Glass (ICG) outlined the plan at the Convention of Glass Associations in Venice, Italy yesterday. The convention was organised by Italian glass manufacturers and machinery association, GIMAV, Vitrum trade show and the Italian Trade Association.
She told delegates: “The idea is to tell the whole planet about the world of glass. Every sector of glass will be covered and the aim is to have a high impact on the global community.” The proposal will be submitted to the UN in February 2020 with a decision expected in July next year. Ms Duran said they had already received support from 50 countries but aimed to have a total of 100 nations behind the idea. It was important to get support from universities and R&D centres from African and Pacific Ocean nations, she said.
The year 2022 was chosen because it coincided with the ICG’s international Congress on Glass in Berlin, Germany during the 100th anniversary of the German Society of Glass Technology. A 2022 UN Year of Glass would allow societies, universities, museums and artists enough time to plan events throughout the year. All of the national associations linked to the ICG have approved of the idea, she added. The procedure will consist of a resolution to the General Assembly of the UN in the form of a report.
The report will describe the importance of glass for a sustainable society and highlight that today is the Glass Era. Glass has enabled modern technologies such as optical fibres, which have helped lead the technological revolution.
Ms Duran said: “A UN Year of Glass in 2022 would underline the technological, scientific and economic role of glass and the importance of a year of glass for improving the performance and development of key technologies that contribute to meet the challenges of a sustainable society.”
The UN has had a dedicated Year of since 1959 and these have included a Year of Physics in 2005, Year of Chemistry in 2011 and Year of The Periodic Table in 2019. ICG Colleague David Pye has already been in touch with the UN Years scheme for their advice and insight.
17.07.2019, Glass International
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