How exactly does the warm edge benefit the window?

With the updated Thermix WinUW calculator from Ensinger, it is easy to calculate the energy efficiency of the window

Facts create the best basis for well-informed decisions. This also goes for the configuration of windows: Anyone who wants to know how the thermal transmission coefficient (UW) can be optimised during the customised configuration of the window system can simply use the free Thermix WinUW calculator provided by Ensinger.

“Using this calculation tool, window constructors, energy advisers, planners and architects can precisely calculate the behaviour of the UW value with different frame materials, types of glazing and spacers”, says Rolf Friedrich Buhl, Head of Global Sales for Thermix at the plastics specialist Ensinger. “Being energy-efficient pays dividends – in both cold and warm climate zones.”

The Psi values of the spacers (Thermix warm edge versus aluminium), frame profiles (wood, PVC, wood-aluminium, aluminium) and the double or triple insulating glazing that are used are based on the representative values in the data sheets from the Federal Flat Glass Association (BF) and the scope of the Guideline

About Ensinger
The Ensinger group is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of compounds, semi-finished materials, profiles and technical parts made of engineering and high-performance plastic. Ensinger makes use of a number of different manufacturing methods, in particular extrusion, machining and injection moulding. Employing a total workforce of 2,500 in 33 locations, the family firm is represented in many important industrial regions of the world with its own production plants or sales branches.

19.03.2019, Ensinger GmbH

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