The combined exhibition and conference is focused on the latest trends in glassmaking such as digital manufacturing, energy efficiency and sustainability. The free to attend event takes place in hall D2 at the JI Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia on January, 30-31 2019.
Glassmakers who have registered to attend include domestic float and container manufacturer Mulia Glass, tableware group First National Glassware and CrystalGlass and Hardware.
Overseas visitors include Thailand’s Wellgrow Industry, Noritazeh Glass from Iran and Al Tajir Glass from the UAE.
The exhibition
The exhibition will host leading international technology specialists from the glassmaking process, from raw materials and batch all the way to the cold end.These include Germany’s Zippe, Italy’s BDF Industries, the UK’s Electroglass, AGR International, Emmeti, Sorg, FIC UK and Strutz International.
Glassman Asia will provide a perfect opportunity for you to arrange meetings and do real business within this intimate networking event designed specifically for hollow and container glass. You'll be able to view the latest innovations from a range of international companies on the exhibition floor.
Trends in glassmaking - free to attend conference programme
Fives Stein, Eurotherm and Pneumofore have been confirmed as some of the speakers at the Glassman Asia conference in Jakarta, Indonesia later this month. Topics to be covered include; Electric Melting (and application to Container Glass), The Only future for the Glass industry is All Electric and Efficiency criteria for long term energy savings.
Speakers include;
14.01.2019, Glass International
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